Precept Study: “Numbers—Trusting God in the Wilderness.”
7 lessons
Tuesdays 9/10 – 10/29 | 9:15 - 11:30 AM
Cost: $25.
Signup by 8/25
Call 405-321-2000 or message Peggy Parker on FB
Trinity Equipping Center: Sunday 5 - 6PM - Join us as we grow in our understanding of the fundamentals of the faith and awe of God, which will help us gain the confidence and skills necessary to courageously articulate our faith in an increasingly hostile world.

4 for fellowship
4 for Fellowship is an opportunity to develop deeper relationships with other women at Trinity and is designed for those who want to meet monthly.
There will be a FALL and SPRING session. FALL Signup ends AUGUST 28. Ladies will be put in groups of 4 and each group will plan 4 meetings. Meeting ideas: read a book and discuss, meet for coffee, pray together, serve together in a ministry, have the group members and their family over for Supper, meet with another group of 4, invite a new church member to join you.
Spring sign up will close January 12, 2025

September 27: 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. “Loving & Living God's Word”
November 30: Decorate for Christmas
December 14: Christmas brunch - Speaker is converted Muslim, Maryam Smith
April: Date TBD

Trinity has many opportunities to serve! While serving you will grow in faith, have opportunities to share the gospel, and fellowship with other church members. Some opportunities include: Bread for Life, Learning English Together (LET), Wilson Elementary Christmas ministry, Lifetime ministry (nursing home ministry), Children's ministry, Women's ministry, First Impressions, and more!