connect with trinity
Looking to get connected? From Adults, College, Youth, Elementary, and Preschool groups to Men's and Women's studies, there's something for everyone. Our adult groups are multi-generational, offering a unique opportunity to grow alongside others from all stages of life as we explore a variety of meaningful topics, which you can learn about below.

Senior Saints
Led by Larry Toothaker
room 112
Psalm 90:12 is an inspiration to our group. "Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Both sharing and praying are important features of our group time. Discussion, rather than lecture is our method of enrichment. Much of the material in the Lifeway quarterly is foundational to the Bible doctrine we know and believe.
In our group discussion, we work at discovering the relevance of these truths to contemporary issues as they challenge our daily lives with the purpose that we may, with honesty and understanding, engage with our Creator and one another. We study to be ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ whenever the opportunity arises.

Hearts on a Journey
Led by Peggy Miller
A class for women of any age and marital status who want to respond to God's call for a deeper understanding of His Word and its relevance to daily life. Bible study, prayer, and nurturing relationships with other women make a dynamic combination. Members develop endearing friendships that meet the need for a place to belong, grow, serve, and live the abundant life in Christ.
We begin each Sunday by sharing prayer requests and praises and then pray over them. Prayer is a vital part of our class mission. This is followed by our bible based book study and discussion time.
In June 2024, our class began a study of the book of John by David Jeremiah. John's Gospel confronts us with the reality of Jesus' identity as the incarnate Word of God. This revelation demands a response. To believe in Jesus is not just to assent to a set of doctrines' it is to trust in Him, to rely on Him, and to commit to Him as Lord and Savior. This belief is transformative, leading to a life that is marked by the abundance and joy that Jesus promises. This current book study should continue to the end of October 2024.

The Bereans
Led by Jim McIntyre
ROOM 115
We use a study guide to direct in-depth studies of books of the Bible. We are finishing Philippians and will choose a new book to study this fall.
We are couples and singles aged 30's to 80’s who desire to grow in our relationship with God and live lives pleasing to Him. Three men rotate leading our class in a discussion format. Folks are encouraged to participate in the discussion, but no one is required to do so. We also meet periodically for fellowship outside of class.
“Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true.” Acts 17:11

Led by Justin Devero, Tom Petroski & Ryan Polk
gym loft
Equipped is open to all ages, and we focus on helping believers become equipped through the Scriptures, allowing us to be used by God in the lives of people inside and outside the church.
This year we will study:
Ephesians book study
"Created in the Image of God" book study
The Attributes of God study
Spiritual life book study

Led by Pete Jackson & Terry Garner
FH 1
Our purpose and desire is for our members to be a significant part of Christ’s Church and Trinity Baptist Church. To that end, we follow biblical truth to build a foundation to help each member sink their roots deep in the soil of God’s Word. We:
TEACH the Word of God through Scripture studies and other studies that focus on specific foundational truths. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12, ESV)
SERVICE to Trinity, each other, and our communities. “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them:” (Rom. 12:4-6a, ESV)
FELLOWSHIP gathering on Sunday mornings, in our homes, at restaurants, and through prayer to grow closer to each other in Christian love. “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42 ESV)
We will begin with a study in 1st and 2nd Peter.

Led by Justin Mullinax & Cameron Harp
FH 2
A group of men and women of all ages who meet to discuss Scripture and other books for the purpose of strengthening our connection with God. We will also meet outside of Sunday activities to build relationships with each other. We typically begin class by reading a Psalm, followed by group prayer time before diving into our study. We will start with a study of Hebrews, and our goal is to have a mix of Bible studies and Christian book studies throughout the year. The class will be discussion-based not lecture.

Foundations for Marriage
Led by Matthew & Alana LaFon /
Jim & Kim Pitt
Room 116
Whether you are a newlywed couple or have been married for fifty years, this one-year class is for you. For young marriages it helps set foundations for success. For established couples it offers great reminders and new concepts to build on past success. It will help you focus and engage each other while you do life together with your best friend. Class fellowship opportunities outside of class will allow us to draw closer and exchange experiences. Outside reading requirements are limited. The books and videos below that we will cover in class will help us fulfill God's design for a faithful, growing, and joyful marriage.
- Sacred Marriage video series by Gary Thomas
- When Sinners Say I Do by Dr. Dave Harvey
- Love and Respect video series by Dr. Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs
- Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
- Song of Solomon video series by Tommy Nelson
- God on Sex by Dr. Daniel Akin
- Five Love Languages of Apology by Dr. Gary Chapman
- Four Seasons of Marriage by Dr. Gary Chapman

Persuasive Faith
Led by Rick Harvey
FH 7
Your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, your children, your grandchildren, your parents, perhaps, at times, even you, want to know—is it truly reasonable to believe the Christian faith? Historic Christian beliefs are under attack in every area, and under attack in some new and challenging ways. But these are exciting times for the equipped Christian. In recent years remarkable developments have dramatically strengthened the evidences and arguments for the truth of Christianity.
BUT—are you ready to give answers to those who want to know why you believe? In a one-year study, Persuasive Faith will help you to reason carefully, and equip you to answer challenges in areas such as science, history, atheism, Islam, philosophy, trustworthiness of the Bible, Jesus of Nazareth, miracles, the Resurrection, and more.
This class is mostly a teaching format, with opportunities for questions and discussion. You will be urged to participate and take notes. Limited outside reading at a level you find personally comfortable will be encouraged. We would love to have you grab your notebook and pen and join us.

The Pursuit
Led by Max Barnett
Fh 5
God longs for us to know Him, and He has graciously made that possible through the death of His Son. I know of no other resource, apart from the Bible, to help us in this pursuit more than the book The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer.
We will study the unchanging character of God and hopefully learn to let His great character shine through our lives. If you deeply desire to know God, you are welcome to join us.

Led by Eddie Charlson & Mike Snowdon
fh 4
Our focus is to study the Bible (THE Logos) and use reference materials to better understand the message that was received by and spoken to the original recipients (historically, culturally, contextually, and grammatically), in order to transform us into the followers we are called and desire to be.
Eddie will teach on the Holy Spirit – Person, Works, and Trinity, using a sermon series from Brother Ronnie and Who is the Holy Spirit by Malcolm B. Yarnell as key resources. Mike will teach on the birth of Christ from a cultural and historical perspective, using a John MacArthur sermon series as a key resource. Mike will also teach on the origins of life using MacArthur’s book Battle for the Beginning as a key resource.

Led by John & Stephanie Kiosterud /
Terry & LaDayne Hardage
fh 1
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Growing in Our Devotion to Christ
Led by Chris Kennedy
Room 111
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Being and Becoming
Led by
Fh 6
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Love and Good Deeds
Led by Kris Akins
fh 3
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Love and Good Deeds
Led by Kris Akins and Troy Ivey
Location: FH 3
Our goal is to be a place where we can follow the command in Hebrews 10:24 to “consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds” by seeking to build a strong community where we encourage and support each other. This year we will alternate studying the book of 1 Corinthians with Erwin Lutzer's No Reason to Hide, while looking for ways to build community within our group and the church. This is a discussion-based group, so some preparation will benefit both you and class members with a deeper, richer discussion. One Sunday of each month we will divide into men's/women's groups to pray for each other.

Fruitful Engagement
Led by Mike Smith and Chris Kennedy
Location: FH 6
Incorporating the fruits of the spirit into how we engage our families, our culture and our communities. Supporting one another through all stages of life.

Train Up a Child
Led by John & Stephanie Kiosterud /
Terry & LaDayne Hardage
Location: FH 1
Parenting is one of the greatest privileges God gives us but it is never easy. This group will encourage parents with children of all ages to think about parenting and the issues involved from a biblical perspective. Learning from Bible teachers who have walked this road we will study biblical principles for parenting, how God uses parenting to grow us, how to connect with our children, how to address issues like technology, sex and pornography, and developing Godly habits and practices as a family. We will also hear from Trinity members who have a lot of experience for us to learn from. Join us as we strive to be the parents God has called us to be.

Led by Eddie Charlson & Mike Snowdon
Location: FH 4
We focus on studying the Bible (THE Logos) and using Bible study reference materials to help us better understand the message that was received by and spoken to the original recipients (historically, culturally, contextually, and grammatically), in order to transform us into the followers that we are called to be and desire to be.
Eddie is teaching on the Holy Spirit – Person, Works, and Trinity, using The Holy Spirit by Gregg Allison & Andreas Kostenberger, as one of his key resources and he will be teaching on the Resurrection, using The Case For the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas as one of his key resources.
Mike will be teaching on the age (condition) of accountability, the origins of life (Genesis), and the future of Israel (Daniel 9-12) using John MacArthur sermons as a key resource.

The Pursuit
Led by Max Barnett
Location: FH 5
The objective of the class is to help people to know, love, and glorify God, and become better equipped with the resources to become disciple makers. We will search the Scriptures, use the writings of A.W. Tozier, Robert Coleman, and make use of equipping messages from

Persuasive Faith
Led by Rick Harvey
Location: FH 7
Your friends, co-workers, neighbors, children, grandchildren, parents, and perhaps, at times, even you, want to know—is it truly reasonable to believe the Christian faith? Historic Christian beliefs are under attack in every area, and under attack in some new and challenging ways. But these are exciting times for the equipped Christian. In recent years remarkable developments have dramatically strengthened the evidences and arguments for the truth of Christianity.
BUT—are you ready to give answers to those who want to know why you believe?
In a one-year study, Persuasive Faith will help you to reason carefully and equip you to answer challenges in science, history, atheism, Islam, philosophy, and the trustworthiness of the Bible; questions about Jesus of Nazareth, miracles, the Resurrection, and much more.

Foundations for Marriage
Led by Matthew & Alana LaFon / Jim & Kim Pitt
Location: Room 116
Whether you’re a newlywed, have been married fifty years, or somewhere in between, this one-year class is for you. For young marriages, it helps set a foundation for success. For established couples, it offers great reminders and new concepts to build on past success. We will focus on God’s design for marriage and how we can fulfill our God-given roles in our own marriages, while enjoying walking through life together. Class fellowships outside of class will allow us to draw closer and share life experiences.
Some outside reading is required. The resources below will help us as we strive toward building faithful, growing, and joyful marriages
- Sacred Marriage video series by Gary Thomas
- When Sinners Say I Do by Dr. Dave Harvey
- Love and Respect video series by Dr. Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs
- Five Love Languages Bible Study by Dr. Gary Chapman
- Song of Solomon video series by Tommy Nelson
- God on Sex by Dr. Daniel Akin

Led by Justin Mullinax & Cameron Harp
Location: FH 2
A group of men and women of all ages who meet to discuss Scripture and other books for the purpose of strengthening our connection with God. We will also meet outside of Sunday activities to build relationships with each other. We typically begin class by reading a Psalm, followed by group prayer time before diving into our study. We will start with a study of Galatians and continue through other Pauline letters. We will also include one 6-8 week book study that is yet to be determined. The class will be discussion-based, not lecture.

Led by Pete Jackson & Terry Garner
Location: LR 3
Our purpose and desire is for our members to be a significant part of Christ’s Church and Trinity Baptist Church. To that end, we follow biblical truth to build a foundation to help each member sink their roots deep in the soil of God’s Word.
• TEACH the Word of God through Scripture studies and other studies that focus on specific foundational truths. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12, ESV)
• SERVICE to Trinity, each other, and our communities. “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them:” (Rom. 12:4-6a, ESV)
• FELLOWSHIP gathering on Sunday mornings, in our homes, at restaurants, and through prayer to grow closer to each other in Christian love. “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42 ESV) Recent studies have included James, 1-3 John, and Jude. We have also read and discussed Pursuit of God by Tozer, The Final Days of Jesus by Kostenberger & Taylor, and That You May Know by our very own Terry Garner. We plan to start this year with a study of Hebrews.

Led by Justin Devero, Tom Petroski & Ryan Polk
Location: Gym Loft
Equipped is open to all ages, and we focus on helping believers become equipped through the Scriptures, allowing us to be used by God in the lives of people inside and outside the church.
This year we will study:
• Ephesians book study
• Created in the Image of God book study
• The Attributes of God study
• Spiritual Life book study

The Bereans
Led by Jim McIntyre
Location: Room 115
In-depth Bible study. We dig deep into the Word of God in a discussion format. (As an example, our recent study through the book of Philippians took us 2 years, 8 months to complete.) We are currently exploring Jonah, Amos, & Hosea using the MacArthur Bible Studies book as a guide.
Folks are encouraged to participate in the discussion, but no one is required to do so. We also meet regularly for additional fellowship times outside of class.
“Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true.” Acts 17:11

Hearts on a Journey
Led by Peggy Miller
Location: Library
A class for women of any age and marital status who want to respond to God's call for a deeper understanding of His Word and its relevance to daily life. Bible study, prayer, and nurturing relationships with other women make a dynamic combination. Members develop endearing friendships that meet the need for a place to belong, grow, serve, and live the abundant life in Christ.
We begin each Sunday by sharing prayer requests and praises and then pray over them. Prayer is a vital part of our class mission. This is followed by our bible based book study and discussion time.
In June 2024, our class began a study of the book of John by David Jeremiah. John's Gospel confronts us with the reality of Jesus' identity as the incarnate Word of God. This revelation demands a response. To believe in Jesus is not just to assent to a set of doctrines' it is to trust in Him, to rely on Him, and to commit to Him as Lord and Savior. This belief is transformative, leading to a life that is marked by the abundance and joy that Jesus promises. This current book study should continue to the end of October 2024.

Senior Saints
Led by Larry Toothaker
Location: Room 112
Psalm 90:12 is an inspiration to our group. "Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Both sharing and praying are important features of our group time. Discussion, rather than lecture is our method of enrichment. Much of the material in the Lifeway quarterly is foundational to the Bible doctrine we know and believe.
In our group discussion, we work at discovering the relevance of these truths to contemporary issues as they challenge our daily lives with the purpose that we may, with honesty and understanding, engage with our Creator and one another. We study to be ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ whenever the opportunity arises.