The Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Authority of the Scriptures
At Trinity, we believe Christ is the Head and final authority of the church. His Word, the Bible, is the binding and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe the Bible was inspired by God, is inerrant and infallible in the original autographs and is preserved by God in such a way as to be authoritative and totally reliable today. We also believe that it is truth without any mixture of error in all realms of reality-historically, scientifically, doctrinally and prophetically.
We believe in:
the Trinity of God
verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture
total depravity of natural man
the virgin birth of Jesus Christ
His blood atonement
His bodily resurrection
personal and imminent return of Christ
person and work of the Holy Spirit
eternal security of the believer
freedom of religion
the autonomy of the local church
worldwide missions: the obligation of every church
a regenerated church membership
personality of Satan
justification by faith
the reality of heaven and hell
the priesthood of the believer
two ordinances only: baptism by immersion & the Lord's Supper
church discipline
Download the Baptist Faith and Message (pdf)
Download Trinity's Doctrinal Explanations (pdf)